Apr 29, 2009

Ode to the purple shirt

I was going to try my hand at a small poem to say goodbye to this well-loved purple shirt, but in order to save the readers from the pain I will abstain. This purple shirt is soft and in Ali's words, "comfy." It is stretchy and so it fit her for longer than it really should have. Plus it was a very versatile shirt; it was an undershirt, a t-shirt, and a layered shirt. It really went with all of her pants, so when she picked it out to wear the day after I did laundry EVERY time for about 4 monts, I was okay with that.

This is how the shirt was meant to be worn, as an undershirt for this baby doll dress.

As a t-shirt it was just as nice.

While apple-picking, just adding a vest gave it a bit more warmth.
I was thinking about adding a picture of her trying to wear the shirt now, despite its being too small, but decided to focus on the greatness of this wonderful shirt that has given us so many wonderful memories.


Anonymous said...

This post nearly brought tears to my eyes. Just beautiful. I wish I had such a faithful and versatile shirt. I probably wouldn't grow out of it very fast either.

Misa said...

Very touching...lol...Ali is just getting cuter and cuter