Aug 31, 2011

First day of school! First day of school!

Ali is growing up! Today she had her first day of school! Not pre-school, but real bonifide Kindergarten!

Here she is on the ramp to her school. Very excited.

This is in front of her classroom. Terrible picture, sorry. But you can see her cute first day of school outfit. Thanks Abuelita!

Some kids were close to tears, but not Ali. She would have pushed me out the door if she had the choice.

This is her teacher, Ms. Sanders. She has been a teacher at this school for 13 years, so we feel lucky to have her.

Aug 10, 2011

excessive or nutritious?

By the time I have this child I think I will be probably be huge because I eat much more than I did with either girls. Ali agrees with me because for the last week, every picture that she has drawn of me has me eating food.

The figure (reported to be me) on the bottom right has a "plate with a tomato on it"

Here I apparently couldn't help myself because I have a huge stack of food on my plate.

This is what Ali said when I asked her what this picture is, "Me swinging on the swings, and daddy pushing me, and mommy eating"

Also here is a video of my girls/princesses dancing. I thought it was pretty funny, and I know it is a bit long, but hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I do.