May 18, 2009


Well it finally happened. Somehow I got my M.D. I'm currently in the sweet spot of post-medical school but pre-residency, so I'm not going to take a lot of time on this blog. Instead, I'm going to stuff it with sweet pictures.

Here is me sitting in all my Harry Potter glory waiting for my name to be called:

Here is the obligatory picture of the diploma with dean. It was the first time I heard "Dr. Pulham" that wasn't in reference to my dad:

This is me with my enormous diploma:

This is the crew that came out to support me:

Sweet family picture (Kat and I are looking at my parents camera):

Concluding picture that perfectly summarizes the evening in Ali's expression:

May 12, 2009

Princess and the Pea

Just a short clip of her eating peas.

Her hair is just long enough for a small flower pot.

May 4, 2009

New Haircut

Alicia's hair always gets in her face. I blame it on the cowlick inherited from her daddy that causes her hair to go directly forward. In order to try to help minimize the amount of time I have to spend on her hair each day, I decided to cut her hair. I saw a girl with really cute bangs at our park, so I tried to copy it. What do you think?

A close-up.

I love this one because Kat is just so cute in the background. She looks like she is holding that spray bottle like a weapon at her holster. And yes, Ali is wearing a rainbow striped shirt under Hello Kitty, could someone please try to explain fashion sense to this child.

I think Alicia looks more like my niece Jasmine now that she got her haircut, but Nick thinks she looks more like Tia Gaby. That statement might mean more to those who know my niece and my sister-in-law.

Just because.