Jul 17, 2008

Prego Me!

Only 6 days until I deliver, and I am very excited. I feel like a whale, but I guess I don't look that big since people keep telling me to check that I am okay with my doctor. Anyway, since my family is so far away, and airplane tickets being as expensive as they are, it is hard for my family to imagine me as pregnant, so here are a few prego pics of me. I used the self-timer since Nick has been busy studying for the boards, so sorry for the poor quality and the strange camera angles. I really am not a photographer.


Brynn said...

So, you really are teeny. I'm about twice your size, and I still have eight weeks to go. Now I feel like the big bloated whale...

Jen said...

so what, are you like 5 months along? i don't blame the doctors for thinking you are small, you have no idea what big is. by the way i do love your facial experesion.