Dec 4, 2012

A trip

 Before I get to the fun pictures I want to first say how grateful I am for my husband and three beautiful children. I am so blessed. I am especially grateful for my  husband, who works so hard and it still an amazing father and husband. I am also thankful for my extended family (brothers, sisters, mom, dad, and in-laws) While we may have our differences of opinion and often times we fight, my family is very important to me, and I am grateful, extremely grateful, that I am important to my family.
 Last week we went on a trip to visit my parents in Colorado. It was Kat's first memory of flying. (She traveled a lot when she was a baby) Since she was scared, Ali held her hand and read to her. It was very very sweet.
 I was nervous about flying alone with 3 kids, but I forgot how awesome my kids are. (At least for a 2 hour flight) Jack slept almost the whole way and the girls quietly read books.
 Once we got there (where is there you ask? It is nowhere...literally!) we did some shooting,
 some make-up artistry,
 a little movie watching (my parents have a theatre room!),
some more shooting,
 and, of course, since it was Thanksgiving we ate. My girls HATE mashed food, so Thanksgiving is pretty awful for them. Ali's face is priceless.
 By the week's end, Jack was ready to go home. (His favorite cousins and aunts left before us)
 Once we got home we decked some halls
 and banisters!

Decorating the Christmas tree is one of my most favorite traditions. Growing up my parents always let us kids do the decorating. I am sure that once we went to bed they did their share of "fixing" our decorations, but I loved that it was our job to make our tree magical. That is one tradition that I have kept for our kids. We keep also every ornament that we are given and buy ornaments when we visit cool places, so our tree is always eclectic and colorful. What are some of your traditions?

1 comment:

kate said...

You seriously have great kids. And hooray for an eclectic tree. That's what we have...and what I had growing up. My brothers and I loved playing "the ornament game," which is basically 20 Questions for guessing an ornament on the tree. This year my OCD took a rest and I pulled out all the non-breakable ornaments and let the boys hang them up wherever. They actually did a great job! Later that night, Alex and I trimmed the bare upper half of the tree :). Hooray for the holidays!