Dez was a big help licking the spoon. Since he is a bit young for raw batter we gave him a clean spoon, and he thought it was great!
Ali mixing up the batter. She hardly spilled any, which is a big step!
Kat helped frost!
And then she added some sprinkles! (notice there are already a few bites taken from the cake!)
End result. (Well to be totally honest these are the ones that I frosted, I was not fast enough to take a finished result of either of the girls' cupcakes).
omg! love the ali hand on her hip. too cute! also, i can vouch for how tasty those cakes were- i ate all but 1 of the cakes steph gave us. and, how cute are Kat and Dez licking the spoons!
your girls are so BIG!!!!!!!! belén turns two in two weeks. can't believe it.
hope you guys are doing AWESOME.
p.s. what was the name of that portable baby bed thing that you used to carry the girls around in when they were infants? and you lent it to tiff for awhile there too, right? i want one : ) email me!
Look at Ali posing. She is so cute. Kat looks like she is loving her frosting job. She is so focused. And Dez with his spoon just happy as can be. Too cute.
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