We had a fun party at a nearby park. Nick's mom, sister and Aunt were able to come which was nice. My family came too, but for some reason we did not get a picture with them.
We helped Kat open presents. This toy in particular she did not want to put down. It was a phone that had lots of sounds and lights. Thanks Gibi!
We had Cake. This cake is inspired by my sister Jen, and decorated by Ali. Sorry for the bad picture. For some reason we never really got a good picture of the cake.
Kat liked the cake!
Then we had a pinata. First we hit it...
Then we punched it...
Then we stabbed it...
Then we kicked it...
Ahhh finally we got candy. I think that thing was made of iron.
And just because I could not let this post end without adding this,
Here is a picture of my mom punching the pinata. Sorry for the blurry picture, she was moving SO FAST!